But the views were beautiful, with the sun sparkling off the water.

What's going on in our neighborhood, all year 'round
Dumped by her boyfriend in a made-for-the-tabloids bar scene, reporter Jane Peterson decides her life needs a total change. A new town, a new career path… and a new attitude toward men when she accepts her best friend’s dare to kiss a perfect stranger.
Because of his famous father, Keefe Walker is no stranger to the tabloid press. He’s kept a low profile for years, painting houses and drifting through life without much thought to career or future. Until he meets Jane. She’s everything that scares him. And everything he desires.
Sometimes it takes a perfect stranger to make you realize what you truly want.
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... And thanks for your support!
Old Mill Point Annual Meeting
July 16, 2010 7 p.m.
1. Acceptance of minutes from 2009 Annual Meeting.
2. Financial Report
3. Nomination of Board Members, Clerk and Treasurer to re-fill expiring terms.
4. Beach Report and New Massachusetts Water Sampling Program Regulations
5. Dock Maintenance Report
6. Jetty Maintenance Report
7. Social Events - in need of venue for end-of-season party
8. New Business: Rules Review; Speed Bump Installation
All residents are invited and urged to attend. If you cannot attend and have not yet submitted your proxy vote, please feel free to email it to Carol or Katie as there
will be several spending votes tonight.
See you there.